How To Install New Language In WordPress

How To Install A New Language In WordPress?

WordPress comes with many languages and you can select the language while installing WordPress. But do you know how to add new language in WordPress other than the default languages?

Yes, you heard it right. You can install many languages to the WordPress CMS. WordPress supports many languages but a few users like to expand its usage.

If you ever thought to use WordPress in any other language? Well, you can. In this tutorial, you will learn how to add new language to WordPress.

Apart from that, you should know how to install other languages in WordPress during its installation.

Get A new Language Pack And Install It To WordPress.

Before you install any language you have to check a few things. I will guide you to accomplish your task.

Let me provide you the required steps.

Step 1:- Visit the WordPress language translation page.

Step 2:- Scroll down and you will see the list of the languages. From which, you can select your language.

NOTE:- Check the percentage of the translation. If it’s 100%, go for it. Click on the percentage.

Here I am going to install the Chinese( Hong Kong ) language.

Step 3:- You will reach to a page with the details of the translated websites’ number for the current version of WordPress. You just have to click on version.

Step 4:- This is the final translating page for WordPress. Scroll down and you will notice a drop-down menu, select the options.

Choose “Machine Object Message Catalog(.mo)“. Click on the “Export” button and a file will be downloading to your computer.

Step 5:- You have to download another file after selecting “Portable Object Message Catalog(.po/.pot)“.

Step 6:- Copy both the files and go wp-content/languages and paste the files.

NOTE:- If you don’t see any folder named “languages” then create one and then paste the files.

You have successfully installed a new language to WordPress. you can check it by visiting your admin area.

Go to settings>>general, scroll down and check all the languages present. You will see a new language in the “installed” languages.

NOTE:- The language name won’t be the same as you have selected. It will be showing with the name of the file you have downloaded.

Many people ask “how to install new language in WordPress?” and most of them don’t get an answer. Here you are with the best solution.

If you want to use your new installed language then just select it from the admin area and you will notice that your WordPress dashboard and your website’s default texts would be in that language.

“How to install new language in WordPress?” Did You get An Answer?

WordPress is a wide-spread platform and you can experiment with it. There are different kinds of people in the world who speak different languages.

WordPress provides them the freedom to choose the language of their choice. Though not all the languages are supported by WordPress but still, you can check it from the translation page.

Will you still ask “how to install new language in WordPress“? Just follow the above-mentioned steps and enjoy a new language.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hey Ravi,

    Once again you wonderfully breakdown something that seems overly complicated. The visual aids are great. When it comes to technical stuff I’m always looking for that to make sure I’m in the right place and doing the right thing.


    1. Hi Lea,

      Such type of tasks seem difficult but when you try it then it’s fun. WordPress provides you the solution for every problem. You can use WordPress in many other languages.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment.


    1. Hey Rakesh,

      This method can be used when you want to install any new language which is not in WordPress. Yes, you can change the language from your admin panel. I have written a post for that too.

      There are many ways to change the language.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  2. Hai Ravi Chahar sir,

    It was the great post by you again. Before I don’t know how to add new languages in WordPress. But your post gave me a clear idea and step by step approach to add new languages in WordPress.

    WordPress is one the best platform. The given above steps are clear and I got many ideas. The tutorial that you have mentioned is useful.

    Thanks for sharing, great job.

    1. Hey Sathish,

      WordPress is a platform which can surprise you with its features. There are many languages available in the directory but if you want any new language then it can be installed.

      Just make sure that you check the percentage of the translation.

      Thanks for stopping by.


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